Saturday 4 June 2016

Food of The Day #Part 2

Hye guys!

I am back :) Do you now that? What's food that I love to eat most? It's a spicy rice cake! In Japanese, it is called as tteokbokki, while they called it as ddeokbokki/toppokki in Korean. I love the taste of chewy and spice. I tasted it a lot before, and the best place is *for now*, which I think laaaa, it is in Kompleks PKNS in Section 14, Shah Alam. The restaurant provided the Japanese cuisine actually, I don't remember much about the name of that restaurant but it pretty much famous for UiTM students here.

However, I think it is a long time that the restaurant closed since Chinese New Year, this year. I don't know. Whether they have a long break or they do not longer do business (the signboard still there). Really unfortunate because I think that it is the best place to eat spicy rice cake which it is really spicy ( I mean it). I'd tasted it before, in other places, but usually it is not really spicy and sometimes, it's feel sweet one.

Now, I can look only to this picture because I'm not found yet the restaurant that provide this spicy rice cake. Sobssss :'((


  1. Teringin nak rasa. Tgok RM makan mcm aumm sgt !

    1. serious ini murah tau, sepinggan cuma RM6 something, compared to korean restaurant yang lain sepinggan cecah RM20 lebih, itu yang suka makan spicy rice cake dekat sini. tapi itulah dah tutup, sobbbs :'((

  2. 1st time dengar nama ni == hahaha da 1st time nengok kat pahang ade tak

    1. sebab ini makanan korea dgn jepun :D wah, kalau ada dekat Pahang, bagitau ye

  3. Akk pernah try makan...
    Tp mcm xberapa nk gemar....
    Tp akk suka btul makan daging2 grilled diorg dgn nasik tu

    1. Aaah daging grilled memang terbaik~ huhu


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