Wednesday 11 May 2016

Samyang Spicy Korean Noodle Challenge Malaysia Review

Hi peeps!

I guess, it's around two or three weeks ago, I was like a little bit bitchy crazy watching a lot of videos on spicy korean noodle challenge. I think I have already made one entry of it, do you remember? THIS LINK.

Yeah, you know, since it's viral in Facebook and everyone, regarding the issue of the Halal status just because this ramen is made in Korea and people doubt it how the ramen is made. Alhamdulillah, yesterday JAKIM clarified clearly that this ramen is totally Halal but if you still wondering (syubhah) I guess, you better not to eat it.

For my personal opinion I believe it's halal because the company clarified that the ramen is made in different factory which specialized for export commercial based on status and evidences claimed by Farah Lee *wife Ally Iskandar, ex-student who studied in Korea*.

Not too long, after I watched the video on YouTube for a few days and replay it for so many times, I made a decision to buy it. Hehe. Well you know, this spicy Korean noodle is a little bit... no... medium pricey compared to other brand such as Maggi, Mamee and etc. Totally it is because of the size, I think 3-4 times bigger than the usual ramen. Kah! So I need time to think about it. Bajet bulanan maaaa *not a rich PTPTN student*

Later I bought it because if you always replay and replay  the same video of watching someone eat it, for sure you will feel craving. That's what happened on me as well. Haha.

For my first time, I ate this ramen with Chahh, my one and only classmate who staying the same college with me *students who appealed for college*. The taste is just okay like Korean taste and I admit it, the ramen is spicy but it is a type of spicy that only hold out for a few seconds. It was like "pedas letup letup di hujung lidah macam bunga api yang jenis campak-campak masa hari raya merecik recik tapi tak sakit pun* 

Haha. Lebih kurang macam itulah metaforanya. Oh my, sorry laaaaa. I don't know how to describe to you people unless you had already eaten it. I'd successfully finished to eat the whole plate of ramen *with a few gulp of water* while Chahh surrender after few spoons. Hehe.

But you know, I am just wondering I don't know why people in the video looked so exaggerate eat that ramen. Well what I mean is, it is not about the taste but their facial expression and body language. It was like "so so so so so so so so so so spicy" that you can't eat at all. Husnudzon, Neeza. They are not totally eat spicy food and that's their natural response when recording, maybe. Yeah, maybe.

To finish the other 4 packets of this spicy Korean ramen, I think I am not gonna do that.

Although I am a fan of Korean dramas and always hunting of Korean cuisine, not this time.

Then, I began lelong this ramen.


One of the buyer is Fariza, my ex-classmate last semester. She is also staying in the same college with me and Chahh. So, I went to her room with the ramen. She ate the ramen in front of me and I amazed with her. She can eat the whole plate without any drop of water and said "sambal belacan mak aku lagi pedaslah". You are so damn cute lah baby by saying that. :')

Haha, by the way, sorry guys for not making any videos of spicy Korean noodle challenge. Well, my face is not commercial to be advertised and I do not like to be exposed too much on media as well*ayat bajet retis* Just keep down to earth. Hihi.

p/s: Tips! Nak makan ramen pedas ini supaya rasa tak pedas sangat tanpa air, korang kena terus terusan makan sampai habis, jangan makan lepas itu berhenti sekejap lama sikit, lepas itu makan balik itu yang buat bertambah pedaslah jawabnya

So, that's all for today. Thanks for reading my entry. Have fun! xoxo

Lot's of love,
Haneeza Mohamad


  1. Alhamdulillah...clear jugak isu ni akhirnya. =)

  2. nak makan jugak tapi satu paket 20 ringgit kan? mahal

  3. kak rehan follow. teringin nak try samyang ni. pedas sgt ke idak ke. kalau dah try nnt kak rehan review jugak ye.

    1. thanks kak rehan.. pedas ke tidak, depend individu itu sendiri biasa tak makan pedas, hehe.. okay, tak sabar nak baca review akak pula :D

  4. huhuhu x pnah try lagi ramyun nie ...
    n x minat yg kering nie ..
    lagi ske nong shin ramyun..

    1. samalah.. kurang sikit kalau yang jenis kering ini, ramen yang berkuah jugalah yang sedap.. hehe

  5. Belum sempat nak cuba lagi..hahaha..biar reda dulu la viralnyaaa

  6. Mie Goreng?

    Di Indonesia biasanya identik dengan anak kos :D

    Kamu harus coba yang dari Indonesia :)


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